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Millions watch 'ring of fire' eclipse in Asia, US

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Millions of people across Asia and western United States have looked skyward as a solar eclipse created by a "ring of fire" crossed their skies.

The annular eclipse attracted sky gazers in some parts of China early Monday before moving westwards across Taiwan and Japan. The rare astronomical event then moved across the Pacific ending in Texas late Sunday local time. 

The eclipse takes place when the moon passes in front of the sun, leaving only a golden ring around its edges. The event is nicknamed the "ring of fire." 

In some parts of the US, some people organized viewing parties on the rooftops and others decided to watch the event on the live webcasts in some areas, as solar glasses and special camera filters for taking photographs had been sold out for weeks. 

Japanese officials organized “Eclipse tours” at schools, parks, on boats and even private airplanes, as such an eclipse has not been visible in the country since 1839. 

NASA reported that the next solar eclipse would be on November 13 this year, and is estimated to be visible across northern Australia. 

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