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Lebanese stock market

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As we compare between the years 2001 and 2005, we find that the median stock exchange value has increased from $220,000 to $3 million, meaning a massive %1300 increase. The reason behind this is the rise of the oil prices in the Arab region, thus providing more liquidity. The Arab businessmen are searching today for investment opportunities, resulting in a positive impact on the Lebanese stock market.

Solidere, after the losses in 2000, was revived in the third quarter of 2005 as its profits reached $23 million, although the company was struck by a %30 drop in profits after the assassination of PM Hariri.

The other factor that led to the revival of the Lebanese stock market was the interest of some European and American investment sources in the Lebanese foreign market, which promises more trust in the reform process in Lebanon.

A critical question is to be asked, will this trust develop or minimize in the shadows of all the political disputes and security issues in the country as they negatively affect the efforts to recover the nation's economy?

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