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Flame disguised itself as Microsoft program to attack some PCs, company reveals

The so-called "Flame" computer virus, the latest to caused problems for Iran's computer networks, appears to have attacked some Windows-based PCs, Microsoft revealed, while reassuring its users that most had little to worr...

Is it time to quit your long term cell phone contract?

Cell phone customers are fuming and they’re refusing to extend their long term service contracts, or at least that's the message based on recent subscriber numbers released by U.S. carriers.Once upon a time when cell...

Light-powered bionic eye invented to help restore sight

A retinal implant - or bionic eye - which is powered by light has been invented by scientists at Stanford University in California.Implants currently used in patients need to be powered by a battery.The new device, describ...

Brief scare aboard space station as shuttle heads home

A possible chemical leak aboard the International Space Station gave a brief scare after an otherwise flawless Shuttle Atlantis mission, due to wind up Wednesday. The incident came a day after the six Atlantis astronauts l...

Gamers give Nintendo's new Wii console the thumbs-up

Gamers gave Nintendo's new "Wii" video game console a hands-down victory over Sony's PlayStation 3 and Microsoft's Xbox 360 at the premier video games trade show that ended in Los Angeles. The innovative motion-sensing Wii...

Pigeons to regulate air polution?

As we all know, pigeons were once used as a communication mean in ancient times. Because of the great distance people had to cross to communicate with another party, they decided to train pigeons to deliver personal and po...

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