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Lebanon Will Face Iraq on Wednesday

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The Lebanese national soccer team on Wednesday will face the Iraqi national team, who has arrived on Sunday. The match will be a preparation for the Lebanese before their first test against Kuwait in the Asia cup 2007 qualifications. The game against Kuwait will be held on the 22nd of February at the Beirut National Stadium.

Adnan Al Sharki has selected 22 out of 40 players that will play the game on Wednesday. The 22 players are: Ziad Al Samad, Larry Mohana, George Sadek, Ali Al Saadi, Ali Mtairik, Billal Najarine, Faysal Antar, Yehya Hachem, Imad Al Miri, Nabeel Baalbaky, Ali Al Atat, Khaled Hamiyeh, Ahmad Al Shoum, Ali Wassef Mohamad, Nasrat Al Jamal, Hassan Maatouk, Abbas Atwi, Mohamad Kassas, Mohamad Ghadar, Ali Nasserildeen, Fady Ghoson, and Abbas Kenaan. Our team will undergo a training session at Jounieh stadium on Monday 2 days before the match.

*** Beirut-online family wishes the best for our team and hope that they win the game ***

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