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Miqati Hits Back at Mustaqbal MPs, Says 'Dousing Fire Ignited by Their Fiery Stances'

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Prime Minister Najib Miqati on Monday snapped back at Beirut’s MPs over their call for him to resign, noting that he is trying to “douse the fire ignited by some Mustaqbal Movement MPs through their fiery, irresponsible stances.”

“The call for the government’s resignation has become present in all the statements and remarks of the Mustaqbal MPs, which reflects a deep desire to regain what they consider an undisputable right,” Miqati’s office said in a statement.

Earlier on Monday, Beirut’s MPs held Miqati responsible for the fierce clashes that erupted in Beirut overnight Sunday, calling on him to resign because “his government is facilitating the return of civil war to Lebanon.”

The office stressed that “the same duty that obligated him to undertake the responsibility (of forming the government) compels him today to continue to shoulder his responsibilities and to seek to spare Lebanon the woes of the wrong political bets of some parties.” ... continue reading

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